1538 Coverdale Newe Testament Latine and Englyshe Digital Ebook
The Newe Testament both Latine and Englyshe ech correspondent to the other after the vulgare texte, communely called S. Jeroms. Faythfully translated by Myles Couerdale. Anno. MCCCCCXXXVIII. Printed in Southwarke by James Nicolson Set forth with the Kynges moost gracious licence
Myles Coverdale
The First edition of Coverdale's diglot Testament, Herbert 37 The English text differs somewhat from that in the 1535 Bible agreeing more closely with the Vulgate.
Before leaving London in the spring of 1538 for Paris, where he had undertaken to prepare, under Thomas Cromwell's patronage, what was afterwards known as the Great Bible, Coverdale had settled that Nycolson should publish for him in London a New Testament with the Vulgate text and his own English version printed side by side. This he determined on in order to reassure his timid friends, and to confute his critics. The book appeared in 1538 in a handsome form, but so full of misprints and errors that Coverdale repudiated it, and immediately arranged for an edition under his own superintendence at Paris.
The second edition, Herbert 38, appeared in November of the same year from the press of Francis Regnault. Nycolson, however, published, also towards the end of 1538, a revision of his first edition; this according to the title page in some copies, was Faythfullye translated by Johan Hollybushe.