Insight of the King
Seeking Truth
The Last Days- Revelation Series
Lesson 1 | Introduction to Revelation
Lesson 2 | Revelation 1:1-4 | Jesus the Great I AM
Lesson 3 | Revelation 1:5-7 | What manner of persons ought you to be?
Lesson 4 | Revelation 1:8-13 | Unveiling Glory Part 1
Lesson 5 | Revelation 1:13-18 | Unveiling Glory Part 2
Lesson 6 | Revelation 1:19-20 | Introduction to the Seven Letters
Lesson 7 | Revelation 2:1-7 | The letter to Ephesus
Lesson 8 | Revelation 2:8-11 | The letter to Smyrna
Lesson 9 | Revelation 2:12-17 | The letter to Pergamos
Lesson 10 | Revelation 2:18-25 | The letter to Thyatira (part 1)
Lesson 11 | Revelation 2:-24-29 | The letter to Thyatira (part 2)
Lesson 12 | Revelation 3:1-6 | The letter to Sardis
Life of Paul and His Epistles
Chronology of the Travels of the Apostle Paul
Hebrews Overview
Ephesians Overview
Colossians Overview
Philippians Overview
Titus Overview
1 Timothy Overview
2 Timothy Overview
Acts Series
Acts Lessons 1-10
Lesson 1: Acts 1:1 An Introduction
Lesson 2: Acts 1:1-8 The Power of the Kingdom
Lesson 3: Acts: 1:9-11 The Ascension and Return of Jesus
Lesson 4: Acts: 1:12-26 Replacing Judas
Lesson 5: Acts: 2:1-4 The Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Lesson 6: Acts: 2:4-13 The Gift of Speaking in Tongues
Lesson 7: Acts: 2:14-21 Call Upon the Lord and be Saved
Lesson 8: Acts: 2:22-30 The Life, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ
Lesson 9: Acts: 2:29-36 Jesus is both Lord and Christ
Lesson 10: Acts: 2:37-41 Repent and be Saved
Acts Lessons 11-20
Lesson 11: Acts: 2:42-47 The Fellowship of the Church
Lesson 12: Acts: 3:1-11 A Miraculous Healing
Lesson 13: Acts: 3:12-16 His Name, through Faith in His Name
Lesson 14: Acts: 3:17-26 Turn Away from Sin and Turn Upon Jesus
Lesson 15: Acts: 4:1-12 The Name that Saves
Lesson 16: Acts: 4:13-26 The Bold Stance for Truth
Lesson 17: Acts: 4:24-31 Jesus is King
Lesson 18: Acts: 4:32-5:11 Truth and Deception within the Church
Lesson 19: Acts: 5:12-42 Joy in Suffering Shame for His Name
Lesson 20: Acts: 6:1-15 Serving with Boldness
Acts Lessons 21-30
Lesson 21: Acts 7:1-15 Stephen's Defense part 1
Lesson 22: Acts 7:18-36 Stephen's Defense part 2
Lesson 23: Acts 7:37-50 Stephen's Defense part 3
Lesson 24: Acts 7:51-60 The Martyrdom of Stephen
Lesson 25: Acts 8:1-17 The Gospel Preached in Samaria
Lesson 26: Acts 8:18-40 True and False Converts
Lesson 27: Acts 9:1-9 Saul's Conversion
Lesson 28: Acts 9:10-16 A Chosen Vessel
Lesson 29: Acts 9:17-30 The Transformation of Saul
Lesson 30: Acts 9:31-43 The Edification of the Church
Acts Lessons 31-40
Lesson 31: Acts 10:1-28 One Body in Christ: Salvation to the Genitles (pt1)
Lesson 32: Acts 10:28 Freedom in Christ: Salvation to the Genitles (pt2)
Lesson 33: Acts 10:28-43 The Man, Jesus Christ: Salvation to the Genitles (pt3)
Lesson 34: Acts 10:44-48 One Body by One Spirit in Christ: Salvation to the Genitles (pt4)
Lesson 35: Acts 11:1-18 Astounding News: Salvation to the Genitles (pt5)
Lesson 36: Acts 11:19-26 The Christians of Antioch
Lesson 37: Acts 11:27-12:25 Persecution and Famine in Jerusalem
Lesson 38: Acts 13:1-12 The First Missionary Journey: Cyprus
Lesson 39: Acts 13:13-23 Paul's Sermon: The Promise of the Messiah
Lesson 40: Acts 13:24-37 Paul's Sermon: The Promise Fulfilled in the Resurrection
Acts Lessons 41-50
Lesson 41: Acts 13:38-49 Paul's Sermon: Salvation to all who Believe
Lesson 42: Acts 13:50-14:17 The Gospel Preached in Iconiium and Lystra
Lesson 43: Acts 14:18-28 The First Mission Completed
Lesson 44: Acts 15:1-6 The Jerusalem Council Meeting
Lesson 45: Acts 15:7-19 The Edict of the Jerusalem Council Meeting
Lesson 46: Acts 15:20-35 The Conclusion of the Jerusalem Council Meeting
Lesson 47: Acts 15:36-16:5 The 2nd Missionary Journey
Lesson 48: Acts 16:6-10 Gods Timing in His Perfect Will
Lesson 49: Acts 16:11-31 Gods Saving Power in Philippi
Lesson 50: Acts 16:32-40 An Open Triumph in Philippi
Acts Lessons 51-60
Lesson 51: Acts 17:1-4 The Everlasting Surety of the Gospel
Lesson 52: Acts 17:4-15 Expectant Ears and Hard Hearts
Lesson 53: Acts 17:16-23 Stirred in Athens
Lesson 54: Acts 17:22-34 Knowing the Unkown God
Lesson 55: Acts 18:1-17 Comforted in Corinth
Lesson 56: The Epistles to the Thessalonians
Lesson 57: The Epistle to the Galatians
Lesson 58: Acts 18:18-22 The 2nd Journey Completed
Lesson 59: Acts 18:23-28 The 3rd Journey Begins
Lesson 60: Acts 19:1-7 Transitioning from the Old to to the New
Acts Lessons 61-70
Lesson 61: Acts 19:8-10 An Open Door in Ephesus
Lesson 62: An Overview of 1 Corinthians
Lesson 63: God Works Mightily in Ephesus
Lesson 64: A Riot in Ephesus
Lesson 65: An Overview of 2 Corinthians
Lesson 66: Intro to the Book of Romans
Lesson 67: Overview of Romans chapters 1-7
Lesson 68: The Promises of Romans chapter 8
Lesson 69: Romans chapters 9-11: Israel and God's Plan of Redemption
Lesson 70: Romans chapters 12-16: Living out from Faith and walking in Love
Acts Lessons 71-80
Lesson 71: Acts 20:3-16 A Heart of Purpose
Lesson 72: Acts 20:17-27 An Eternal Address in Miletus part 1
Lesson 73: Acts 20:28-32 An Eternal Address in Miletus part 2- Shepherd the Flock
Lesson 74: Acts 20:32-38 An Eternal Address in Miletus part 3- The Rewards of the Inheritance
Lesson 75: Acts 21:1-14 A Heart of Readiness
Lesson 76: Acts 21:15-25 The Heart of a Humble Servant
Lesson 77: Acts 21:26-33 Bound in Jerusalem
Lesson 78: Acts 21:33-22:5 The Testimony of a Changed Man
Lesson 79: Acts 22:6-22 The Testimony of a Changed Man (part 2)
Lesson 80: Acts 22:23-23:11 Providence from Jerusalem to Rome
Acts Lessons 81-90
Lesson 81: Acts 23:12-35 The Providential Hand of God
Lesson 82: Acts 24:1-15 Paul's Defense: Hope in God
Lesson 83: Acts 24:15 The Hope of the Resurrection
Lesson 84: Acts 24:15 The Hope of Righteous Judgement
Lesson 85: Acts 24:16-27 Paul Bound in Caesarea
Lesson 86: Acts 25 Paul's Appeal to Caesar
Lesson 87: Acts 26:1-18 From Darkness to Light
Lesson 88: Acts 26:19-32 Proclaiming the Light
Lesson 89: Acts 27:1 Preparing for Rome and the Gospel of Luke
Lesson 90: Acts 27 Paul's Voyage to Rome
Acts Lessons 91-92
Lesson 91: Acts 28:1-16 Destination: Rome
Lesson 92: Acts 28:17-31 Ambassador in Chains
1st John Series
1st John Lessons 1-10
Lesson 1- 1st John Opening Lesson
Lesson 2- The Word of Life 1 John 1:1-2
Lesson 3- Fellowship in Him 1 John 1:3-4
Lesson 4- God is Light 1 John 1:5
Lesson 5- Walking in the Light 1 John 1:6-7
Lesson 6- The Assurance of our Fellowship 1 John 1:7
Lesson 7- Original Sin 1 John 1:8
Lesson 8- Confession of Sin 1 John 1:9-10
Lesson 9- Jesus Christ: Our Advocate and Propitiation 1 John 2:1-2
Lesson 10- Knowing that we Know Him 1 John 2:3
1st John Lessons 11-20
Lesson 11- Knowing that we are Abiding in Him 1 John 2:4-6
Lesson 12- The Command of Everlasting Life 1 John 2:7-11
Lesson 13- You Have Overcome 1 John 2:12-14
Lesson 14- Do Not Love the World 1 John 2:15-17
Lesson 15- Not of this World 1 John 2:15-17
Lesson 16- Overcoming the Things of this World 1 John 2:15-17
Lesson 17- The World is Passing Away 1 John 2:17
Lesson 18- Abiding unto the Forever with Jesus 1 John 2:17
Lesson 19- The Antichrist who is Coming 1 John 2:18
Lesson 20- The Anointing from the Holy One1 John 2:19-23
1st John Lessons 21-30
Lesson 21- The Word of Life Abiding in You 1 John 2:24-27
Lesson 22- When He Appears 1 John 2:28
Lesson 23- He is Righteous 1 John 2:29
Lesson 24- The Evidence of Righteousness 1 John 2:29-3:1
Lesson 25- The Purifying Hope 1 John 3:2-3
Lesson 26- The Evidence of Sin 1 John 3:4-10
Lesson 27- The Evidence of Love 1 John 3:10-15
Lesson 28- The Action of Love in Truth 1 John 3:16-18
Lesson 29- The Assurance of Love 1 John 3:19-24
Lesson 30- Do not believe every spirit 1 John 4:1-3
1st John Lessons 31-36
Lesson 31- By this We Know the Spirit of Truth 1 John 4:3-6
Lesson 32- The Manifested Love of God 1 John 4:7-16
Lesson 33- The Perfected Love of God 1 John 4:17-5:5
Lesson 34- The Witness of God (the Johannine Comma) 1 John 5:6-8
Lesson 35- The Witness of God (part 2) 1 John 5:7-13
Lesson 36- To Know Him who is True 1 John 5:14-21
2nd John Lesson
3rd John Lesson
2nd Timothy Series
2nd Timothy Lessons 1-10
Lesson 1- 2nd Timothy Opening Lesson
Lesson 2- Remember the Gifts that are in You 2nd Timothy 1:1-7
Lesson 3- Not Ashamed of Christ 2nd Timothy 1:8-12
Lesson 4- Hold Fast the Word of Truth 2nd Timothy 1:13-18
Lesson 5- Teach the Word of Truth 2nd Timothy 2:1-2
Lesson 6- The Discipline of the Word of Truth 2nd Timothy 2:3-7
Lesson 7- Remember Jesus Christ, the Word of Truth 2nd Timothy 2:8-9
Lesson 8- Endurance for the Word of Truth 2nd Timothy 2:10-13
Lesson 9- Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth 2nd Timothy 2:11-19 part 1
Lesson 10- Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth 2nd Timothy 2:14-19 part 2
2nd Timothy Lessons 11-20
Lesson 11- 2nd Timothy Sanctified and Useful for the Master
Lesson 12- The Response to Ungodly Opposition
Lesson 13- The Response to Ungodly Opposition (part 2)
Lesson 14- Desiring to Live Godly in Christ Jesus 2 Tim 3:10-12
Lesson 15- Abiding in the Word of Truth 2 Tim 3:13-15
Lesson 16- The God Breathed Word of Truth (part 1) 2 Tim 3:16-17
Lesson 17- The God Breathed Word of Truth (part 2) 2 Tim 3:16-17
Lesson 18- The Righteous Judge 2 Tim 4:1-2
Lesson 19- Preach the Word 2 Tim 4:2
Lesson 20- Be Watchful and Guard the Truth 2 Tim 4:3-4
2nd Timothy Lessons 21-26
Lesson 21- Fulfill Your Ministry 2 Tim 4:5
Lesson 22- A Life of Faithfulness 2 Tim 4:6-8
Lesson 23- The Rewards of the Faithful 2 Tim 4:8
Lesson 24- The Fellowship of the Gospel 2 Tim 4:9-13
Lesson 25- The Lord Stood with Me 2 Tim 4:14-18
Lesson 26- Faithful to the End 2 Tim 4:19-22
The History of the Bible Series
01 History of the Bible intro
02 History of the Bible Preface Philip Melanchthon
03 History of the Bible Intro to Old Testament
04 History of the Bible Old Testament Books (part 1 of 4) Books of Moses
05 History of the Bible Old Testament Books (part 2 of 4) Joshua - Ecclesiastes
06 History of the Bible Old Testament Books (part 3 of 4) Obadiah - Habakkuk
07 History of the Bible Old Testament Books (part 4 of 5) Babylonian Captivity
The Book of Hebrews Series
The Book of Hebrews Lessons 1-10
Lesson 1 Hebrews Opening Lesson
Lesson 2 Hebrews 1:1-3
Lesson 3 Hebrews 1:4-14
Lesson 4 Hebrews 2:1-4
Lesson 5 Hebrews 2:5-18
Lesson 6 Hebrews 3:1-9
The Book of Hebrews Lessons 21-30
Lesson 21 Hebrews 10:26-31 Apostacy
Lesson 22 Hebrews 10:32-39 Joy in Sufferings
Lesson 23 Hebrews 11:1 What is Faith?
Lesson 24 Hebrews 11:2-3 Faith and the Unseen
Lesson 25 Hebrews 11:4-7 By Faith...Abel, Enoch, Noah,
Lesson 26 Hebrews 11:8-16 By Faith...Abraham
Lesson 27 Hebrews 11:17-19 By Faith...Abraham Offered Isaac
Lesson 28 Hebrews 11:20-22 By Faith...Isaac, Jacob, Joseph
Lesson 29 Hebrews 11:23-26 By Faith...Moses
Lesson 30 Hebrews 11:27-29 By Faith...Moses part 2
The Book of Hebrews Lessons 31-42
Lesson 31 Hebrews 11:30-32 The Courage of Faith part 1
Lesson 32 Hebrews 11:33-40 The Courage of Faith part 2
Lesson 33 Hebrews 12:1-4 The Endurance of Believing
Lesson 34 Hebrews 12:3-11 The Father’s Loving Hand of Correction (part 1)
Lesson 35 Hebrews 12:5-11 The Father’s Loving Hand of Correction (part 2)
Lesson 36 Hebrews 12:12-17 The Exhortation to Pursue Peace and Holiness
Lesson 37 Hebrews 12:18-29 The Comparison of Two Covenants (part 1)
Lesson 38 Hebrews 12:18-29 The Comparison of Two Covenants (part 2)
Lesson 39 Hebrews 13:1-6- Remaining Steadfast in the love of the Brethren in Christ (part 1)
Lesson 40 Hebrews 13:7-19- Remaining Steadfast in the love of the Brethren in Christ (part 2)
Lesson 41 Hebrews 13:20-25 The Conclusion
Word of Truth Teachings
12-22-24 Christmas Message: My Eyes Have Seen Your Salvation
03-24-24 Behold Your King is Coming: Palm Sunday Message
12-17-23 Christmas Message: A Body You Have Prepared for Me
10-01-23 Ruth: A Story of Redemption part 2
09-24-23 Ruth: A Story of Redemption part 1
07-23-23 Isaiah 53 part 2
07-16-23 Isaiah 53 part 1
07-03-22 The Road to Emmaus
04-17-22 Resurrection Life unto Eternal Fellowship
03-27-22 Evangelism
01-17-22 Our Blessed Hope
Christmas Message- The Seed of Eternal Life- Galatians 4:1-7
04-03-21 The Perfecting Work of the Resurrection
01-31-21 Proclaiming Truth to a Fallen World
09-15-19 Eternal Family in Christ
09-22-19 Eternal Family in Christ
11-17-19 The Life and Happenings of the Apostle John
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Study topics
The Study of Acts
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Galatians Cross reference topic guide
Ephesians Cross reference topic guide
Philippians Cross reference topic guide
Colossians Cross reference topic guide
Romans Cross reference topic guide
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The Name above every Name
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The Book of 2nd Timothy Series:
Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth
2 Timothy 2:14-19
Lesson 9
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Seeking Truth
The Last Days- Revelation Series
Lesson 1 | Introduction to Revelation
Lesson 2 | Revelation 1:1-4 | Jesus the Great I AM
Lesson 3 | Revelation 1:5-7 | What manner of persons ought you to be?
Lesson 4 | Revelation 1:8-13 | Unveiling Glory Part 1
Lesson 5 | Revelation 1:13-18 | Unveiling Glory Part 2
Lesson 6 | Revelation 1:19-20 | Introduction to the Seven Letters
Lesson 7 | Revelation 2:1-7 | The letter to Ephesus
Lesson 8 | Revelation 2:8-11 | The letter to Smyrna
Lesson 9 | Revelation 2:12-17 | The letter to Pergamos
Lesson 10 | Revelation 2:18-25 | The letter to Thyatira (part 1)
Lesson 11 | Revelation 2:-24-29 | The letter to Thyatira (part 2)
Lesson 12 | Revelation 3:1-6 | The letter to Sardis
Life of Paul and His Epistles
Chronology of the Travels of the Apostle Paul
Hebrews Overview
Ephesians Overview
Colossians Overview
Philippians Overview
Titus Overview
1 Timothy Overview
2 Timothy Overview
Acts Series
Acts Lessons 1-10
Lesson 1: Acts 1:1 An Introduction
Lesson 2: Acts 1:1-8 The Power of the Kingdom
Lesson 3: Acts: 1:9-11 The Ascension and Return of Jesus
Lesson 4: Acts: 1:12-26 Replacing Judas
Lesson 5: Acts: 2:1-4 The Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Lesson 6: Acts: 2:4-13 The Gift of Speaking in Tongues
Lesson 7: Acts: 2:14-21 Call Upon the Lord and be Saved
Lesson 8: Acts: 2:22-30 The Life, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ
Lesson 9: Acts: 2:29-36 Jesus is both Lord and Christ
Lesson 10: Acts: 2:37-41 Repent and be Saved
Acts Lessons 11-20
Lesson 11: Acts: 2:42-47 The Fellowship of the Church
Lesson 12: Acts: 3:1-11 A Miraculous Healing
Lesson 13: Acts: 3:12-16 His Name, through Faith in His Name
Lesson 14: Acts: 3:17-26 Turn Away from Sin and Turn Upon Jesus
Lesson 15: Acts: 4:1-12 The Name that Saves
Lesson 16: Acts: 4:13-26 The Bold Stance for Truth
Lesson 17: Acts: 4:24-31 Jesus is King
Lesson 18: Acts: 4:32-5:11 Truth and Deception within the Church
Lesson 19: Acts: 5:12-42 Joy in Suffering Shame for His Name
Lesson 20: Acts: 6:1-15 Serving with Boldness
Acts Lessons 21-30
Lesson 21: Acts 7:1-15 Stephen's Defense part 1
Lesson 22: Acts 7:18-36 Stephen's Defense part 2
Lesson 23: Acts 7:37-50 Stephen's Defense part 3
Lesson 24: Acts 7:51-60 The Martyrdom of Stephen
Lesson 25: Acts 8:1-17 The Gospel Preached in Samaria
Lesson 26: Acts 8:18-40 True and False Converts
Lesson 27: Acts 9:1-9 Saul's Conversion
Lesson 28: Acts 9:10-16 A Chosen Vessel
Lesson 29: Acts 9:17-30 The Transformation of Saul
Lesson 30: Acts 9:31-43 The Edification of the Church
Acts Lessons 31-40
Lesson 31: Acts 10:1-28 One Body in Christ: Salvation to the Genitles (pt1)
Lesson 32: Acts 10:28 Freedom in Christ: Salvation to the Genitles (pt2)
Lesson 33: Acts 10:28-43 The Man, Jesus Christ: Salvation to the Genitles (pt3)
Lesson 34: Acts 10:44-48 One Body by One Spirit in Christ: Salvation to the Genitles (pt4)
Lesson 35: Acts 11:1-18 Astounding News: Salvation to the Genitles (pt5)
Lesson 36: Acts 11:19-26 The Christians of Antioch
Lesson 37: Acts 11:27-12:25 Persecution and Famine in Jerusalem
Lesson 38: Acts 13:1-12 The First Missionary Journey: Cyprus
Lesson 39: Acts 13:13-23 Paul's Sermon: The Promise of the Messiah
Lesson 40: Acts 13:24-37 Paul's Sermon: The Promise Fulfilled in the Resurrection
Acts Lessons 41-50
Lesson 41: Acts 13:38-49 Paul's Sermon: Salvation to all who Believe
Lesson 42: Acts 13:50-14:17 The Gospel Preached in Iconiium and Lystra
Lesson 43: Acts 14:18-28 The First Mission Completed
Lesson 44: Acts 15:1-6 The Jerusalem Council Meeting
Lesson 45: Acts 15:7-19 The Edict of the Jerusalem Council Meeting
Lesson 46: Acts 15:20-35 The Conclusion of the Jerusalem Council Meeting
Lesson 47: Acts 15:36-16:5 The 2nd Missionary Journey
Lesson 48: Acts 16:6-10 Gods Timing in His Perfect Will
Lesson 49: Acts 16:11-31 Gods Saving Power in Philippi
Lesson 50: Acts 16:32-40 An Open Triumph in Philippi
Acts Lessons 51-60
Lesson 51: Acts 17:1-4 The Everlasting Surety of the Gospel
Lesson 52: Acts 17:4-15 Expectant Ears and Hard Hearts
Lesson 53: Acts 17:16-23 Stirred in Athens
Lesson 54: Acts 17:22-34 Knowing the Unkown God
Lesson 55: Acts 18:1-17 Comforted in Corinth
Lesson 56: The Epistles to the Thessalonians
Lesson 57: The Epistle to the Galatians
Lesson 58: Acts 18:18-22 The 2nd Journey Completed
Lesson 59: Acts 18:23-28 The 3rd Journey Begins
Lesson 60: Acts 19:1-7 Transitioning from the Old to to the New
Acts Lessons 61-70
Lesson 61: Acts 19:8-10 An Open Door in Ephesus
Lesson 62: An Overview of 1 Corinthians
Lesson 63: God Works Mightily in Ephesus
Lesson 64: A Riot in Ephesus
Lesson 65: An Overview of 2 Corinthians
Lesson 66: Intro to the Book of Romans
Lesson 67: Overview of Romans chapters 1-7
Lesson 68: The Promises of Romans chapter 8
Lesson 69: Romans chapters 9-11: Israel and God's Plan of Redemption
Lesson 70: Romans chapters 12-16: Living out from Faith and walking in Love
Acts Lessons 71-80
Lesson 71: Acts 20:3-16 A Heart of Purpose
Lesson 72: Acts 20:17-27 An Eternal Address in Miletus part 1
Lesson 73: Acts 20:28-32 An Eternal Address in Miletus part 2- Shepherd the Flock
Lesson 74: Acts 20:32-38 An Eternal Address in Miletus part 3- The Rewards of the Inheritance
Lesson 75: Acts 21:1-14 A Heart of Readiness
Lesson 76: Acts 21:15-25 The Heart of a Humble Servant
Lesson 77: Acts 21:26-33 Bound in Jerusalem
Lesson 78: Acts 21:33-22:5 The Testimony of a Changed Man
Lesson 79: Acts 22:6-22 The Testimony of a Changed Man (part 2)
Lesson 80: Acts 22:23-23:11 Providence from Jerusalem to Rome
Acts Lessons 81-90
Lesson 81: Acts 23:12-35 The Providential Hand of God
Lesson 82: Acts 24:1-15 Paul's Defense: Hope in God
Lesson 83: Acts 24:15 The Hope of the Resurrection
Lesson 84: Acts 24:15 The Hope of Righteous Judgement
Lesson 85: Acts 24:16-27 Paul Bound in Caesarea
Lesson 86: Acts 25 Paul's Appeal to Caesar
Lesson 87: Acts 26:1-18 From Darkness to Light
Lesson 88: Acts 26:19-32 Proclaiming the Light
Lesson 89: Acts 27:1 Preparing for Rome and the Gospel of Luke
Lesson 90: Acts 27 Paul's Voyage to Rome
Acts Lessons 91-92
Lesson 91: Acts 28:1-16 Destination: Rome
Lesson 92: Acts 28:17-31 Ambassador in Chains
1st John Series
1st John Lessons 1-10
Lesson 1- 1st John Opening Lesson
Lesson 2- The Word of Life 1 John 1:1-2
Lesson 3- Fellowship in Him 1 John 1:3-4
Lesson 4- God is Light 1 John 1:5
Lesson 5- Walking in the Light 1 John 1:6-7
Lesson 6- The Assurance of our Fellowship 1 John 1:7
Lesson 7- Original Sin 1 John 1:8
Lesson 8- Confession of Sin 1 John 1:9-10
Lesson 9- Jesus Christ: Our Advocate and Propitiation 1 John 2:1-2
Lesson 10- Knowing that we Know Him 1 John 2:3
1st John Lessons 11-20
Lesson 11- Knowing that we are Abiding in Him 1 John 2:4-6
Lesson 12- The Command of Everlasting Life 1 John 2:7-11
Lesson 13- You Have Overcome 1 John 2:12-14
Lesson 14- Do Not Love the World 1 John 2:15-17
Lesson 15- Not of this World 1 John 2:15-17
Lesson 16- Overcoming the Things of this World 1 John 2:15-17
Lesson 17- The World is Passing Away 1 John 2:17
Lesson 18- Abiding unto the Forever with Jesus 1 John 2:17
Lesson 19- The Antichrist who is Coming 1 John 2:18
Lesson 20- The Anointing from the Holy One1 John 2:19-23
1st John Lessons 21-30
Lesson 21- The Word of Life Abiding in You 1 John 2:24-27
Lesson 22- When He Appears 1 John 2:28
Lesson 23- He is Righteous 1 John 2:29
Lesson 24- The Evidence of Righteousness 1 John 2:29-3:1
Lesson 25- The Purifying Hope 1 John 3:2-3
Lesson 26- The Evidence of Sin 1 John 3:4-10
Lesson 27- The Evidence of Love 1 John 3:10-15
Lesson 28- The Action of Love in Truth 1 John 3:16-18
Lesson 29- The Assurance of Love 1 John 3:19-24
Lesson 30- Do not believe every spirit 1 John 4:1-3
1st John Lessons 31-36
Lesson 31- By this We Know the Spirit of Truth 1 John 4:3-6
Lesson 32- The Manifested Love of God 1 John 4:7-16
Lesson 33- The Perfected Love of God 1 John 4:17-5:5
Lesson 34- The Witness of God (the Johannine Comma) 1 John 5:6-8
Lesson 35- The Witness of God (part 2) 1 John 5:7-13
Lesson 36- To Know Him who is True 1 John 5:14-21
2nd John Lesson
3rd John Lesson
2nd Timothy Series
2nd Timothy Lessons 1-10
Lesson 1- 2nd Timothy Opening Lesson
Lesson 2- Remember the Gifts that are in You 2nd Timothy 1:1-7
Lesson 3- Not Ashamed of Christ 2nd Timothy 1:8-12
Lesson 4- Hold Fast the Word of Truth 2nd Timothy 1:13-18
Lesson 5- Teach the Word of Truth 2nd Timothy 2:1-2
Lesson 6- The Discipline of the Word of Truth 2nd Timothy 2:3-7
Lesson 7- Remember Jesus Christ, the Word of Truth 2nd Timothy 2:8-9
Lesson 8- Endurance for the Word of Truth 2nd Timothy 2:10-13
Lesson 9- Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth 2nd Timothy 2:11-19 part 1
Lesson 10- Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth 2nd Timothy 2:14-19 part 2
2nd Timothy Lessons 11-20
Lesson 11- 2nd Timothy Sanctified and Useful for the Master
Lesson 12- The Response to Ungodly Opposition
Lesson 13- The Response to Ungodly Opposition (part 2)
Lesson 14- Desiring to Live Godly in Christ Jesus 2 Tim 3:10-12
Lesson 15- Abiding in the Word of Truth 2 Tim 3:13-15
Lesson 16- The God Breathed Word of Truth (part 1) 2 Tim 3:16-17
Lesson 17- The God Breathed Word of Truth (part 2) 2 Tim 3:16-17
Lesson 18- The Righteous Judge 2 Tim 4:1-2
Lesson 19- Preach the Word 2 Tim 4:2
Lesson 20- Be Watchful and Guard the Truth 2 Tim 4:3-4
2nd Timothy Lessons 21-26
Lesson 21- Fulfill Your Ministry 2 Tim 4:5
Lesson 22- A Life of Faithfulness 2 Tim 4:6-8
Lesson 23- The Rewards of the Faithful 2 Tim 4:8
Lesson 24- The Fellowship of the Gospel 2 Tim 4:9-13
Lesson 25- The Lord Stood with Me 2 Tim 4:14-18
Lesson 26- Faithful to the End 2 Tim 4:19-22
The History of the Bible Series
01 History of the Bible intro
02 History of the Bible Preface Philip Melanchthon
03 History of the Bible Intro to Old Testament
04 History of the Bible Old Testament Books (part 1 of 4) Books of Moses
05 History of the Bible Old Testament Books (part 2 of 4) Joshua - Ecclesiastes
06 History of the Bible Old Testament Books (part 3 of 4) Obadiah - Habakkuk
07 History of the Bible Old Testament Books (part 4 of 5) Babylonian Captivity
The Book of Hebrews Series
The Book of Hebrews Lessons 1-10
Lesson 1 Hebrews Opening Lesson
Lesson 2 Hebrews 1:1-3
Lesson 3 Hebrews 1:4-14
Lesson 4 Hebrews 2:1-4
Lesson 5 Hebrews 2:5-18
Lesson 6 Hebrews 3:1-9
The Book of Hebrews Lessons 21-30
Lesson 21 Hebrews 10:26-31 Apostacy
Lesson 22 Hebrews 10:32-39 Joy in Sufferings
Lesson 23 Hebrews 11:1 What is Faith?
Lesson 24 Hebrews 11:2-3 Faith and the Unseen
Lesson 25 Hebrews 11:4-7 By Faith...Abel, Enoch, Noah,
Lesson 26 Hebrews 11:8-16 By Faith...Abraham
Lesson 27 Hebrews 11:17-19 By Faith...Abraham Offered Isaac
Lesson 28 Hebrews 11:20-22 By Faith...Isaac, Jacob, Joseph
Lesson 29 Hebrews 11:23-26 By Faith...Moses
Lesson 30 Hebrews 11:27-29 By Faith...Moses part 2
The Book of Hebrews Lessons 31-42
Lesson 31 Hebrews 11:30-32 The Courage of Faith part 1
Lesson 32 Hebrews 11:33-40 The Courage of Faith part 2
Lesson 33 Hebrews 12:1-4 The Endurance of Believing
Lesson 34 Hebrews 12:3-11 The Father’s Loving Hand of Correction (part 1)
Lesson 35 Hebrews 12:5-11 The Father’s Loving Hand of Correction (part 2)
Lesson 36 Hebrews 12:12-17 The Exhortation to Pursue Peace and Holiness
Lesson 37 Hebrews 12:18-29 The Comparison of Two Covenants (part 1)
Lesson 38 Hebrews 12:18-29 The Comparison of Two Covenants (part 2)
Lesson 39 Hebrews 13:1-6- Remaining Steadfast in the love of the Brethren in Christ (part 1)
Lesson 40 Hebrews 13:7-19- Remaining Steadfast in the love of the Brethren in Christ (part 2)
Lesson 41 Hebrews 13:20-25 The Conclusion
Word of Truth Teachings
12-22-24 Christmas Message: My Eyes Have Seen Your Salvation
03-24-24 Behold Your King is Coming: Palm Sunday Message
12-17-23 Christmas Message: A Body You Have Prepared for Me
10-01-23 Ruth: A Story of Redemption part 2
09-24-23 Ruth: A Story of Redemption part 1
07-23-23 Isaiah 53 part 2
07-16-23 Isaiah 53 part 1
07-03-22 The Road to Emmaus
04-17-22 Resurrection Life unto Eternal Fellowship
03-27-22 Evangelism
01-17-22 Our Blessed Hope
Christmas Message- The Seed of Eternal Life- Galatians 4:1-7
04-03-21 The Perfecting Work of the Resurrection
01-31-21 Proclaiming Truth to a Fallen World
09-15-19 Eternal Family in Christ
09-22-19 Eternal Family in Christ
11-17-19 The Life and Happenings of the Apostle John
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Books by Zack Rosiere
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John Foxe's Account of Christianity during the Dark Ages
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Martin Luther
Martin Luther- The Early Years
Martin Luther- The Monk of Erfurt
Martin Luther- The Truth Revealed
Martin Luther's Salvation
Martin Luther- Preaches at Wittemberg
Martin Luther Attacks the Traditions of the Catholic Church
Martin Luther- Response to Luther's 95 Theses
Martin Luther- The Elector Fedrick's Prophetic Dream of Theses
Martin Luther- The Reformation Commences
Martin Luther and Philip Melanchthon
Martin Luther Pressure Ensues from the Catholic Church
Martin Luther- The Diet of Worms
Martin Luther's German New Testament
Martin Luther's 1534 Complete German Bible
French Translations
Strasbourg Greek New Testament 1524
William Tyndale
William Tyndale- The Early Years
William Tyndale- Translating the Scriptures
William Tyndale- The New Testament Comes to England
William Tyndale- Persecution for the Words Sake
William Tyndale- The Arrest and Martydom of Tyndale
Ulrich Zwingli and the 1531 Zurich Bible
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1560 Geneva Bible
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1611 King James Bible
Historical Bibles Online
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1519 Erasmus Novum Testamentum PDF Downloads & Digital Ebook
1535 Coverdale Bible
1535 Coverdale Bible Exhibit
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1538 Coverdale Newe Testament
1546 Stephanus Greek New Testament
1546 Stephanus Greek New Testament Exhibit
1546 Stephanus PDF Downloads and Digital Ebook
1550 Stephanus Greek New Testament Digital Ebook
1550 Stephanus Greek New Testament Exhibit
1550 Stephanus Digital Ebook
1560 Geneva Bible Exhibit
1569 Geneva Bible Exhibit
1611 King James He Bible, 1st issue 1611 Exhibit
1611 King James Bible, 3rd issue 1617 PDF Downloads and Ebook
1611 King James Bible, 3rd issue 1617 Exhibit
1611 King James Bible, 3rd issue 1617 PDF Downloads and Ebook
1611 King James Bible, 4th issue 1634 Exhibit
1612 King James Bible She H314 Exhibit
1613 King James Bible True 2nd ed H322 Exhibit
1613 King James Bible Quarto Exhibit
1619 King James Bible- Digital Ebook
1619 King James Bible Digital Ebook
1841 English Hexapla Exhibit
Study topics
The Study of Acts
Expositional study of the book of Acts
Cross Reference Topic Guide of Paul's Epistles
Galatians Cross reference topic guide
Ephesians Cross reference topic guide
Philippians Cross reference topic guide
Colossians Cross reference topic guide
Romans Cross reference topic guide
Sanctification of the Soul
The Bride of Christ- an elect group of Christians
The Name above every Name
Healing and Reconciliation
Three Days and Three Nights
Old Testament Chronology Spreadsheet
Charts and Maps
Maps of Paul's journeys
Maps of the travels of Jesus in Ancient Palestine
The Bible reading plan
1611 King James Biblical Tract
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